Kansas Emergency Rental Assistance (KERA) provides help paying rent, utilities, and internet to those negatively impacted by COVID-19. Renters and landlords apply online jointly. If approved, the landlord or utility provider receives funds directly and applies them to the renter’s account. Approved renters can get up to 12 months of financial assistance.

How to Qualify

Who is eligible?
1. Households that rent
2. Households whose income does not exceed 80% of the area median
3. Households in which one or more members can document financial hardship related to COVID. This can include job loss, reduced hours resulting in loss of income, significant costs related to COVID (medical expenses, child care, internet cost to enable children to attend school remotely, protective equipment)
4. One or more member of household is at risk for homelessness without assistance
5. Valid proof of identification

KERA will not provide assistance to applicants who are already receiving help for the same costs during the same time period for which they are requesting assistance from KERA.

How do I apply?
1. Renter and landlord must complete separate online certifications jointly.
2. KERA notifies renter and landlord when the application process is complete.
3. If approved, landlords and utility providers receive funds directly.
4. Funds are applied to the renter’s account.

Apply here.

What all does assistance cover?
1. A maximum of 12 months of past due and current rent
2. A maximum of three additional months for future rent
3. Past due utility and home energy bills (electricity, gas, water, sewer, and trash) even if applicant does not have past due rent
4. Past due or future internet bills ($600 lump sum) as long as applicant is eligible for rent or utility bill assistance
5. Reasonable late fees for rent and utilities, rent security deposits, pet deposits, application fees, garage and/or parking fees, legal fees

Bills and expenses prior to April 1, 2020 are not covered.


What kinds of properties are eligible?

  • Apartments

  • Single family homes

  • Manufactured homes

  • Rented lots on which manufactured homes are located

Does KERA give assistance for second homes?
No. The property must be the applicant’s primary residence.

Will KERA help with past due rent prior to April 1, 2020?
No. KERA encourages renters to try and work out some type of payment plan with their landlords.

Are renters who heat their homes with firewood, wood pellets, or propane eligible for utility assistance?
Yes. Those expenses are eligible as long as you pay a third party for them.

If I’m in a subsidized rent program, can I still qualify for KERA?
Yes. Your application will be reviewed to make sure there is no duplication of assistance.

I got assistance through the KEPP program. Am I still eligible for KERA?
Yes. You must apply separately for KERA. Receiving KEPP does not disqualify you for KERA, but you will not receive assistance for the same months you receive KEPP.

How do I prove I’m a renter?
Provide a lease or rental agreement signed by you and the landlord. If you don’t have a lease, get your landlord to attest in writing to your status as a renter. Canceled rent checks or bank statements showing payments fo your landlord are also acceptable.

How do I prove I’m at risk of homelessness or am experiencing unstable housing?
Provide a past due rent or eviction notice or a past due utility bill.

How do I prove financial hardship related to COVID?
Provide a written statement attesting to the fact that you have qualified for unemployment benefits, that at least one member of your household has had a reduction in income, or that a household member has experienced significant cost directly or indirectly because of COVID.

How do I prove I’m income eligible?
1.Your household income must not exceed 80% of the area median as determined by HUD. Your income eligibility will be determined in one of the following ways:
2. 2020 tax returns
3. 2020 annual income - if you haven’t filed for 2020, you will need to provide:

  • 1099 statements

  • Unemployment benefits statement

  • Social Security

  • Insurance policy

  • Annuities

  • Disability

  • Retirement and pension plans

  • Net income documents from a business operation or self-employed direct payments

  • Documentation of public assistance (TANF)

  • Child or spousal support documentation

4. 2020 monthly income

  • Pay stubs for the prior four to six weeks if paid monthly

  • Periodic payments like insurance, retirement funds, annuities

  • Child or spousal support documentation

  • Documentation of public assistance (TANF)

  • If you had no income, you must provide a zero income certification

Can I reapply if I am deemed ineligible because of missing documentation?
You can work with KERA representatives to help you with obtaining the missing documents. This will ensure you don’t lose your place on the priority list.

Is there a cap on the amount of assistance you can receive?
No, but there is a time limit. You can receive a maximum of 12 months of past due assistance with the possibility of an additional three months for a total of 15 months.