The North Dakota Rent Help replaced the Emergency Rent Bridge program on June 1, 2021. Rent Help offers higher income eligibility levels ensuring that more renters get the help they need. Rent Help offers more kinds of support to make sure North Dakotans get and maintain housing and financial stability.

How to Qualify

Who is eligible?
1. Renting households that have qualified for unemployment benefits or have experienced financial hardship due to the COVID pandemic dating back to March 13, 2020..
2. Renting households whose income does not exceed 80% of the area median (equals $80.000 for a household of four dependent on the county of residence)
3. Renting households that are at risk of homelessness or housing instability

Priority is given to:
1. Renting households with an income at or below 50% of the area median
2. Renting households with one or more members who have been unemployed for 90 days or longer

How do I apply?
1. Go to Submit your information to find out if you are eligible for assistance.
2. If you are initially eligible, you will receive an email telling you about the next steps in the application process and how to upload the documents you are going to need.
3. You will be notified if you are approved.

If you need help applying, contact an approved application counselor.

If you have a renter who has applied for assistance, before the State of North Dakota can make payments to you, you must register as a participating Housing Provider.

1. Open a vendor account, and register as a vendor on the ND Office of Management and Budget’s Supplier Registry. Once you have received your Supplier ID number move to Step 2.
2. Go to request payment. You must take this step for each renter. Click on the link.
3. Follow the instructions.
3. Payments are made directly to landlords either by ACH or check.