Rhode Island Emergency Rental Assistance: 2024 Application Guide

Are you worried about making your next rent payment? You’re not alone. Many people find themselves worrying about their housing and financial situation each month. If you’re a resident of Rhode Island and you’re facing financial obstacles or hardship, rent can become a daunting challenge. Still, in many cases, assistance may be available. 

While the Eviction Prevention Assistance Program in Rhode Island has ended due to the depletion of funds, there are several other Rhode Island housing emergency rental assistance programs available depending on your circumstances and where you live. To better understand your options, it can be helpful to review some of the assistance programs available in Rhode Island for renters concerned about upcoming bills. 

RI Housing Emergency Rental Assistance Programs

Here are some of the emergency rental assistance programs available to help Rhode Island residents avoid housing instability.

United Way of Rhode Island

United Way is a nonprofit organization made up of local affiliates around the world. For Rhode Islanders, the United Way of Rhode Island offers a confidential means to seek help with issues such as childcare, food, healthcare, and a range of other needs, including housing assistance. 

While United Way doesn’t offer assistance in the form of direct rent subsidies, the organization can help by connecting residents with local services and educating them about their options. They can also provide financial relief to people struggling with housing instability by offering tax preparation, legal assistance, job training, healthcare, and food. By getting help with these other common expenses, you may be able to make more room in your budget for rent costs.

Reaching out is simple: you can either submit a self-referral form online here or call by phone at 211. 

Housing Choice Voucher Program

The Housing Choice Voucher Program is a federal assistance program that seeks to help low-income families, those who are disabled, and elderly residents afford housing through the use of vouchers that can be used to offset a portion of their rent. Formerly known as Section 8, this program offers vouchers administered through local public housing authorities, based on where you live

Eligibility for the program hinges on a few factors, such as:

  • Your total gross income and family size.

  • Your citizenship or immigration status.

  • Your area’s median income level.

What’s more, public housing authorities must administer funds in accordance with the law which dictates that those whose income does not exceed 30% of the median income are to receive 75% of available vouchers. As such, even for otherwise eligible individuals, availability may hinge on their income relative to the median income. Your local public housing authority will be able to provide specifics, helping you understand your eligibility. If you’re eligible, you may be placed on a waiting list, unless assistance is immediately available. 

In Rhode Island, there are several public housing authorities who offer vouchers, and you can find a list of websites for Rhode Island housing authorities that offer vouchers here

Other Emergency Assistance Programs in Rhode Island

If you are struggling to pay rent, you may also benefit from assistance with various other bills. Here are some programs that can help ease your financial burden.

Good Neighbor Energy Fund

While not a direct form of rent assistance, the Good Neighbor Energy Fund is aimed at helping eligible residents receive assistance with their energy bills, which can reduce their overall financial burden related to housing. The Good Neighbor Energy Fund is a community action program agency.

Eligibility for the fund is determined by a few factors, including:

  • Financial hardship.

  • Household size.

  • Whether you received GNEF assistance the year before.

  • The utilities in question. 

Rhode Island Fair Housing - Housing Law Center

The Housing Law Center, part of Rhode Island Legal Assistance, offers aid specifically for housing issues, such as defending evictions from subsidized housing, providing education and outreach, and participating in housing-related hearings. To get in touch, you can send a contact message here. 

Getting Help for Your Household

Making rent is a big deal. It’s natural to feel frustrated, overwhelmed, and even fearful about losing your home. Still, there are assistance programs available for many renters. In Rhode Island, assistance programs include those offered through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, as well as those offered through United Way Rhode Island. 

If you’re concerned about making rent next month, or even the month after that, it may be time to consider reaching out for help. Remember, you don’t need to take this on alone. RI housing emergency rental assistance programs may be able to help you and your loved ones find a sense of comfort in the future. 

If you’re looking for more information, or you’re located in a different state, don’t hesitate to check out some more of our resources online — such as our rental assistance program overview. 

Carol Bianchi

Carol Bianchi is a staff writer for Affordable Housing Hub. Her role includes sourcing up to date information and news on affordable housing programs within the U.S. and bringing that information to the readers of Affordable Housing Hub.