Tennessee Emergency Rental Assistance: 2024 Application Guide

Worrying about your rent being due soon and knowing you may come up short can be a stressful and scary thought. For residents of Tennessee, however, there may be assistance available, depending on your location, eligibility, and circumstances. Rental assistance programs aim to help individuals and households avoid eviction, and they can vary in their eligibility requirements and scope. 

To learn more, let’s review some of the resources and assistance programs that may be available to you if you’re a resident of Tennessee. 

Tennessee Emergency Rental Assistance Programs

These programs are available across the state of Tennessee to help people struggling with financial hardship. They can help with emergency rental assistance, housing stability, and offering resources to help you make ends meet.

Emergency Rental Assistance – Eviction Prevention Program 

The Emergency Rental Assistance – Eviction Prevention Program (ERA-EPP) is aimed at providing those who are facing eviction with the resources needed to avoid eviction and stabilize rented households. It’s overseen by the Tennessee Housing Development Agency, a state agency dedicated to housing issues such as development stability and preserving housing for low-income individuals and households. 

ERA-EPP is available to eligible individuals and households to assist with costs such as rental assistance, landlord and tenant mediation, late fees, security deposits, utility deposits, rental application fees, and other costs crucial to renting. For eligible participants, it may be able to reduce barriers to avoiding eviction or finding housing. 

While it’s broadly overseen by the Tennessee Housing Development Agency (THDA), it’s administered through local agencies, a list of which can be found here. You can contact your local agency to inquire about availability and eligibility if you believe you may qualify. 

HUD Housing Choice Vouchers Program

Available through local public housing authorities, but broadly overseen and funded by the U.S. Housing and Urban Development Agency (HUD), housing choice vouchers aim to subsidize rent for tenants in the private market, enabling them to enjoy a greater range of choices in their living situation. 

Importantly, you’ll need to meet certain eligibility requirements — including meeting the threshold for household income, immigration or citizenship status, and household size. Generally, those who are at 50% or less than the median household income are eligible, but median incomes vary by municipalities and localities. 

In order to determine what your local median household income is and whether you qualify, you may need to consult with your local public housing authority who can provide specifics regarding eligibility. To find a list of Tennessee's local public housing agencies, you can visit this page. 

Public housing agencies must ensure that 75% of available vouchers are given to households below or at 30% of the median income, so availability may vary. If you’re eligible and there is not assistance available, you may be placed on a waiting list. 

United Way of Tennessee

United Way is a nonprofit organization with agencies all over the country, dedicated to providing support and resources to those in need. They offer a 211 line that you can call confidentially to receive support and resources. They can help you understand if there are assistance programs available in your area, and if so, they can provide you with contact information. You can learn more about Tennessee United Way’s 211 line on their website here. 

Alternatively, if you’re in Tennessee, you can simply dial 211 to speak with a representative. They may be able to connect you with localized services in your area, such as if you’re seeking an emergency rental assistance program in Memphis TN, specifically. 

Southwest Human Resource Agency for West Tennessee

The Southwest Human Resource Agency is a nonprofit organization serving counties in the West Tennessee region, and they have an emergency rent program service that you may be eligible for. Note that this program is a one-time assistance, and thus will not constitute ongoing support. However, for some tenants who are worried about imminent eviction in the short term, this may be a viable option for seeking support. 

Eligibility hinges on a few factors, such as your income level, whether your household contains a qualifying individual (a disabled person, a person over the age of 60 years, or a child under the age of 6), or if you’re experiencing a qualifying uncontrolled circumstance. 

Since SWHRA services west Tennessee, this also may be less applicable for those seeking emergency rental assistance in Nashville TN, for example. You can learn more about this program, including eligibility requirements and contact information to reach out at their website here.  

Getting Help for Your Tennessee Home

When you’re worried about upcoming bills, it can quickly become overwhelming. When the bills in question impact your ability to maintain a roof over your head, it’s natural to feel anxious and even frustrated. Remember, you’re not alone. Fortunately, there are a number of programs available to help. Depending on where you live, your specific circumstances, and other factors, you may be eligible for assistance. 

Remember — you don’t need to take this on alone. For more information and resources, be sure to check out our website, including our emergency rental assistance overview. 

Carol Bianchi

Carol Bianchi is a staff writer for Affordable Housing Hub. Her role includes sourcing up to date information and news on affordable housing programs within the U.S. and bringing that information to the readers of Affordable Housing Hub.