The Emergency Assistance Rental Program assists tenants who are struggling with past due rent because of COVID-19. The counties are administering the program in an effort to get the funds in the hands of those who need them as quickly as possible, to increase efficiency, and to avoid duplication of assistance.

How to Qualify

Who is eligible?
To be eligible household income may not exceed 80% of area median. Applicants must also meet the following conditions:
Priority is given to households in which one of more member has been unemployed for 90 days or longer before applying for assistance.

One or more household member experienced significant cost or financial hardship before applying for unemployment,

One or more household member has experienced the risk of homelessness or housing instability. This might be in the form of past due rent or utility bill notices, eviction notices, or unsafe or unhealthy living conditions (such as overcrowding).

How do I apply?
City and County of Honolulu
The city and county of Honolulu is not currently taking applications because of overwhelming demand. You can visit their website to sign up for a notification when they start processing applications again.

Hawaii County
Six non-profit partners are processing applications. Funds will be sent directly to landlords, property managers, and utility companies. For more information, and to find out how to apply, visit their website.

Kauai County
The emergency rental assistance program is administered by the Kauai Government Employees Credit Union. You can apply on their website or contact a representative by email at

Maui County
You can find out how to apply here.


What can the money be used for?

  • Past due and future rent

  • Past due and future utility bills and payments for home energy

  • Certain other expenses that relate to housing

Where does the money go?
Funds are paid directly to landlords and utility companies.