Rhode Island has received $200 million in federal emergency assistance money to help eligible renters repay landlords and utility providers and to help ensure housing stability.

Homeowners are not eligible for this program. It assists renters and landlords.
Note: This is not a loan. No repayment is required as long as renters and landlords abide by the program rules and regulations.

How to Qualify

Who is eligible?
Tenants must meet ALL the following criteria to be considered for assistance:
1. Household income may not exceed the area median. Median income is determined by location and household size. Click here to view income limits.
2. One or more household members must have qualified for unemployment benefits, or suffered significant cost, or experienced some other type of financial hardship because of the COVID pandemic.
3. Household must prove it is at risk of homelessness or housing instability.

How do I apply?
To expedite your application, you will need the following documentation:
1. Proof that you are a resident of Rhode Island (bank statement, driver’s license, utility bill)
2. Proof of income (2020 tax return, wage statement, letter from employer)
3. Fully executed lease or rental agreement
4. Documents proving you owe past due rent and/or utilities (five day past due notice, eviction notice, utility bill showing past due amount)
5. Self-attestation form
6. If you have received a notice from the court regarding an eviction proceeding, please include it.

1. W-9
2. Documentation of past due rent (rent ledger, past due notices)
3. Evidence of property ownership (deed, tax bill, water bill, mortgage statement)
4. Contact information for tenant

Apply here.

Notice: As of June 30, 2021, the emergency relief program is offering a $50 a month stipend for internet service. This stipend will automatically go to applicants who have been approved for assistance. Checks will be mailed directly to them.

If you received assistance approval before June 30, 2021, please call 855-608-8756 to request the internet stipend.


Do I have to be unemployed to get assistance?
No, but you do have to show proof of some type of financial hardship directly or indirectly related to the COVID pandemic.

Does the money I receive count as income?
No. Funds from this program are not considered income for renters. It will not be counted as a financial resource when applying for benefits from any local, state, or federal government program.

Does the money I get have to be paid back?
No. These funds are not a loan and do not require repayment.

Do I have to be behind on rent to get assistance from this program?
No. You can apply for past due and/or future rent. You can also apply for past due utility bills.

What does the money cover?
Financial assistance includes past due rent and some utilities dating back to April 1, 2020. The program also pays for up to three months of future rent and security deposits.

Utility assistance includes electric heat, water, and trash. You can apply for up to 18 total months of assistance.

Can I apply for utility assistance if I don’t need help with my rent?
Yes. You can apply for utility assistance only. You must submit a recent statement from the utility provider showing past due amounts.

What do I do if I don’t have all the documents I need?
You can submit a Self-Attestation Form with your application.

What do I do if I’m about to be evicted?
Contact RI Legal Services or Center for Justice. Be sure to note your eviction status on your application form. Applicants facing eviction receive priority status.

How do landlords get paid?
Once an application is approved, landlords will receive funds via direct deposit.

Is there a deadline to apply?
Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis through September 2022.

Do some applicants get priority?
RI Housing is required to give the following applicants priority:
1. Applicants at risk of eviction AND whose income is at or below 50% of the area median AND who have been unemployed for 90 days or longer receive Level 1 priority.

For the purposes of this program, risk of eviction is defined as having received an eviction notice, where a hearing has occurred and a judge has issued a judgement to vacate, those who have received a court summons or a disconnection notice.
2. Applicants at risk of eviction and with an income at or below 50% of the area median receive Level 2 priority.
3. Applicants with an income at or below 50% of the area median and who have been unemployed for 90 days of longer receive Level 3 priority.
4. Applicants with an income at or below 50% of the area median receive Level 4 priority.
5. Applicants with an income at or below 50% - 80% of area median receive Level 5 priority